Community Development
As the name implies, Community Development seeks to enrich the community by reducing isolation and offering programs and activities that enable local people to engage with each other, form new friendships and support networks, and find new interests in life. We welcome any ideas that you have for forming an interest or support group and are ready to assist you in setting up and maintaining your group.
Are welcome at Hawkesbury Community Outreach Services. Training is in-house and all volunteers are covered by our insurance. Contact us to find out how you can help and have a good time doing it!
Community Development oversees the following activities:
As the name implies, Community Development seeks to enrich the community by reducing isolation and offering programs and activities that enable local people to engage with each other, form new friendships and support networks, and find new interests in life. We welcome any ideas that you have for forming an interest or support group and are ready to assist you in setting up and maintaining your group.
Are welcome at Hawkesbury Community Outreach Services. Training is in-house and all volunteers are covered by our insurance. Contact us to find out how you can help and have a good time doing it!
Community Development oversees the following activities:
Your Health is your choice.
No matter how unfit you think you are.
These exercises will help:
Kurrajong Community Centre
30 McMahons Park Rd
Kurrajong NSW 2758
Every Tuesday- 9.30am to 10.30am
Pay as you go. $15.00 per class Pensioner rates available
No appointment necessary however please phone before you attend the first class
For more information, please phone Kiaran Warner on 0427 671 202 or 4567 0502
Your Health is your choice.
No matter how unfit you think you are.
These exercises will help:
- Strength / Immunity
- Stability / Balance
- Arthritis / Osteoporosis
- Anxiety / Breathing
- Depression / Mood
- Lose Weight / Memory
- Co-ordination / Energy
Kurrajong Community Centre
30 McMahons Park Rd
Kurrajong NSW 2758
Every Tuesday- 9.30am to 10.30am
Pay as you go. $15.00 per class Pensioner rates available
No appointment necessary however please phone before you attend the first class
For more information, please phone Kiaran Warner on 0427 671 202 or 4567 0502
Nordic Walking
Nordic Walking is a fun social and effective way to be active.
Nordic Walking effectiveness is due to working the upper and lower body at the same time, strengthening muscles in the back, legs and arms and reducing neck and shoulder tension.
Walking with a group you will have the encouragement of new and old friends and an instructor who can show how to further improve and add to your technique and motivate when your steps get a bit "heavy"
Our goal is to have fun, enjoy the nature around us while doing this get fit and healthy
9.30am-10.30am every Friday
$15 pp discounts for seniors apply
McMahons Park, Kurrajong, NSW 2758
Contact Details
For further information about Nordic Walking and the costs involved
Kiaran Warner 0427 671 202
WAGS- Wanderers Activity Group of Swashbucklers Age 55+ Social outing on the second TUESDAY of the month. Donation for transport $5 plus cost for the day which we keep affordable. Hawkesbury Community Outreach Service Inc. Bookings and enquiries phone
ANGELA on 4573 1166 email [email protected]
WAGS- Wanderers Activity Group of Swashbucklers Age 55+ Social outing on the second TUESDAY of the month. Donation for transport $5 plus cost for the day which we keep affordable. Hawkesbury Community Outreach Service Inc. Bookings and enquiries phone
ANGELA on 4573 1166 email [email protected]