Child, Youth and Family Support Services
Child Youth and Family Support Coordinator :-
[email protected]
Hawkesbury Community Outreach Services Child, Youth and Family Support Services offers support to families in the community who are experiencing difficulties.
Our Child, Youth and Family Support Services team are qualified, experienced accredited facilitators, respectful, caring and empathic.
Who is eligible? Anyone residing in the Hawkesbury LGA, who have dependent children within the 0-11 year age group are supported by Child & Family Support Service
Individuals and families with dependent children 12-18 years are supported by our Youth & Family Support Service
Services are provided across the Hawkesbury including isolated areas Bilpin, Blaxlands Ridge, Bowen Mountain, Central Colo, Colo Heights and Upper Colo, Ebenezer, Freeman's Reach, Glossodia, Grose Vale, Kurmond, Kurrajong, Kurrajong Heights, North Richmond, Wilberforce.
How can the Child, Youth and Family Support Team assist my family? We assist people to have confidence in their own matters by offering advice, support, practical assistance, case management and referrals to other services.
- Providing information about, and referral to, other services.
- Assistance with other services e.g. NSW Housing, Centrelink, debtors, counsellors, health services, domestic violence and more.
- Case Management, can include home visits, or at a convenient location for you.
- Referrals to child/youth related programs, child/youth behavioural programs and counselling.
- Referrals to parenting and relationship programs and counselling
- Isolation support.
- We offer a range of FREE programs
- Social groups
- Parenting Skills
- Building Resilience
- New Parent Groups
- Aboriginal drop-in & information
- Positive Health
- Lifestyle Changes
- Healthy relationship groups
These programs and group can vary through "Community and Individual expressions of interest"
The aim of our Program:
HCOS Child, Youth and Family Support Service seeks to build on individual and family strengths, to work with families or individuals with dependent children to navigate their way through difficult times.
Families are best placed to identify their own needs and goals.
Cost? FREE
How can I access this service? You are welcome to come into the centre or telephone during office hours. Referrals may be made by the person themselves or by other services or agencies.
How we work
After a referral is received by the service the referral is considered by the Child, Youth and Family Service Support team and a worker is then allocated to the family.
The support worker will then contact you to make an appointment at a convenient time and venue for you.
In the initial meeting the caseworker will need some details about you and your situation. All information requested from you is voluntary and you share only what you are comfortable with. This first meeting is about working out the issues you would like support with and how a support worker can be a useful resource to you in addressing the issue/s.
The Service operates Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from
9.00am to 5.00pm (hours may vary due to case management)
For all enquiries contact:- Sonya 45732922, Child, Youth and Family Support Service Coordinator,
Youth Workers 0404 842 998, [email protected] Part-time
Child, Youth and Family Support Programs
Trauma Support (Wrapped in Angels)
The program is designed to assist parents & children.
Create your own blanket. The blanket is a tangible object
to be wrapped in, to bring closer strengths, protection,
connections and relationships. (no sewing skills required)
Click on link below
Wrapped in Angels 2016
Mary Jo McVeigh created “Wrapped in Angels”, Mary Jo works with children and families who have experienced child abuse, violence and trauma to tap into their own resilience to look at how they have managed to survive in the face of adversity. What is it that has sustained and nourished them when facing abuse, violence and trauma? Mary Jo have trained workers to become Accredited facilitators and run their very own “Wrapped in Angels” group.
FREE ! Generally 8 week course during school term only, one & half hour sessions each week. Courses can be arranged at suitable times and days for clients.
Contact: Sonya PH: 4573 2922
( Accredited Wrapped in Angels Facilitator, HCOS Child, Youth & Family Services Coordinator)
Circle of Security
Click below for flyer
Circle of Security 2016
The program is designed to assist caregivers/parents improve their confidence in parenting. Relationship based program to enhance attachment security between carers/parents and children
The COS intervention and the graphic designed around it are intended to help caregivers increase their awareness of their children’s needs and whether their own responses meet those needs. With increased awareness parents can expand their moment-to-moment parenting choices where needed. In this shift from mind-blindness to seeing what is hidden in plain sight lies the potential to break the stranglehold of problematic attachment patterns, passed from one generation to the next, that can compromise healthy relationships throughout a child’s lifespan. Glen Cooper, Kent Hoffman, and Bert Powell created “Circle of Security” and have trained workers all over the world to become accredited facilitators and run their very own “Circle of Security” group.
The group is held in our Richmond room in a relaxed, comfortable and safe environment.
FREE ! Generally 8 week course during school term only, one & half hour sessions each week. Courses can be arranged at suitable times and days for clients.
Contact: Sonya PH: 4573 2922
( Accredited Circle of Security Facilitator, HCOS Child, Youth & Family Support Services Coordinator)
Hawkesbury Community Outreach Services Inc DRUMBEAT promotes social understanding and connection through a team drumming experience. It is fun, safe, creative, engaging and rewarding. Participants lift their self-esteem, learn to work cooperatively and are exposed to the therapeutic and recreational benefits of music.
DRUMBEAT was developed in the wheat belt of WA in 2003 as means to engage young Aboriginal men. It is now taught and used by young people and adults across Australia in schools, youth services, drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities, child protection residential facilities, mental health services, children's hospitals, refugee trauma associations and prisons.
DRUMBEAT is a flexible program that combines experiential learning with cognitive behavioural therapy, and engages young people and adults who may be anxious or resistant to 'talk based' therapies.
It is a therapeutic program using rhythm, developed by Holyoake to reach alienated young people or those at risk of problematic health and social outcomes.
Hawkesbury Community Outreach Services Inc brings the DRUMBEAT program into schools and parenting groups in the Hawkesbury
DRUMBEAT explores relationship issues such as:
- Peer Pressure
- Bullying
- Dealing with emotions
- Identity
- Social responsibility
- Teamwork
( Accredited DRUMBEAT Facilitator, HCOS Child, Youth & Family Services Coordinator)
Engaging Adolescents
Assist Parents/Carers to learn some skills to make life with their adolescents more peaceful and enjoyable
To give relevant information and practical strategies for dealing with adolescent behaviour. The PASTA for teenager’s process is a series of steps to assist parents
Contact: Sonya PH: 4573 2922
Youth Programs/Groups (operates in High Schools)
DRUMBEAT promotes social understanding and connection through a team drumming experience. It’s fun, safe and creative
The Take A Stand Program
5week program designed to promote self-esteem and resilience. The program covers self-esteem, self-talk, healthy relationships & team work.
The Healthy Relationship Program
An extensive 8-week program designed to promote healthy relationships. The program covers our self-perception, types of relationship, maintain relationships, unhealthy relationships and healthy relationships.
Resilience Program
An extensive 8 week program designed to promote resilience. The program covers the core elements of resilience including: identifying strengths, the importance of belonging, emotional awareness, communication skills, mindfulness/self-control, establishing support structures, humour as therapy, self-esteem/confidence and problem solving
Contact: 45732922 or 0404 842 998, [email protected]